Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pie In The Sky?

So I might be overly eager, and perhaps a touch optimistic that I'll remember to actually blog more than once in a blue moon. But I'll give it a fair shake. First off, let me make an introduction. I'm Inger, a SAHM (that would be stay-at-home-mom), but I prefer "Jill of All Trades, Master of None" if you want to get nit-picky about job titles. I'm a semi-retired pastry chef, a bow maker, and just this year I've taken up knitting & sewing. I think I'm pretty normal in that I've got several half-finished projects all going on at once. When I'm not busy with the kids, baking, making bows, knitting or sewing, I love to read and I love to do crossword puzzles.

I have this great group of friends, and we were chatting a bit about writing, and I mentioned that I always wanted to write about pie. So this is my pie blog. I can't promise that my normal, non-pie writing life won't intrude here, be forewarned that it most likely will - there will be pie too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:::::::::waving:::::::::: Hi Chica!!! :) Mmmmmmm pie! We have to have only ONE favorite??? LOL