Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Natalie's tooth was finally ripe for picking last night and it was plucked right out! She was so excited to be able to put it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy to take, but mostly because she knew she'd get money for it. So we did that under the pillow thing and then later she comes to me (she hadn't yet fallen asleep) to tell me that she can't find the tooth! She was terribly concerned that the TF wouldn't be leaving her money if her tooth wasn't there, so we wrote a note to her, explaining what had happened and asked her if she wouldn't mind coming back to pick up the tooth. I have to find that tooth though! It holds only sentimental value, and I guess it's kind of weird to save teeth, but my mom saved our baby teeth, and I kind of wanted to carry on the tradition. Here's a pic, I'm going to try to get some more pictures later today to send out to the grandparents and great-grandparents. Natalie has got such a teensy-tiny mouth that when she opens it up, her bottom lip covers the empty space where her tooth came out. I'm sure we'll get better pictures once the top teeth come out.

1 comment:

Juli said...

awwwwww :*) What a big girl :*)