Friday, June 27, 2008


He really isn't the most perfect dinosaur, one of his hind legs is shorter than the other, and he's just a few hours old and is sort of coming undone in some places already, but Garrett really loves him and I guess that's all that matters. Tomorrow though, I have to get Bones Bones (the name of this dinosaur) away from his owner, to make some repair work. I learned in this project, that knitting a t. Rex is a lot like knitting socks, except socks don't have legs and tails. I think I'll work on socks this winter. Next up, is a purple stegosaurus for Natalie. Happy knitting!


Regi S. said...

Nonsense ! Of course he's perfect-ly adorable!

Juli said...

OMG that is freaking adorable! Are you going to have them on your site? That would be a great gift!

*~~*Inger*~~* said...

Thanks girls!!!

I'm not sure about putting them on my site for sale - there'd be a copyright issue with the pattern. But they would be good GIFTS! :-D